It’s great to be back from holiday, but we have to hit the ground running, there’s no time to reflect and reminisce.
Ok, perhaps just a little bit
2018 was a great year, we went from being a tiny side project to being a real thing. A thing that just might hold up. A thing that may actually change something. We made some impactful matches, we got our first clients, we got an office, we got invited, we got shared and we got talked about. Thank you so much for your very generous support.
Beyond proof of concept
We know that the planet needs Impactful Jobs, we now know that the people wants Impactful Jobs that align with their personal sense of purpose, and we know that companies (profit) needs talented professionels that work jobs impactfully. That was the mission for 2018, now we can move on to greater things, we can start building. We have loads of stuff on the drawing board, and loads of stuff that will come online in the first half of this year. We’ll continue with all the activities you already know, the jobs, the events the interviews, the lobbying. But we’ll also start building the online and offline network, talent and company profiles, automated screening and much more. We can’t wait.
Busy Busy Busy
Right now we are busy producing new content with our clients and partners. That means we will soon be needing more hands to help create, design, write and communicate. If that’s you, do reach out, whether you are looking for internships or freelance work we are open to chat.
Lastly, I just want to note, our next open event will be in march and invites will come out now-now. Until then, have a GREAT day, and let’s help each other to make this the most Impactful year ever.
Hi5, Lars
CEO and Founder